"Kaichou wa Maid-sama!" (an anime), "Fairy Tail" (another anime). I've recently bought a few new brands of mineral eyeshadow and some that are pressed. Those brands are: "Shiro Cosmetics" (which I'm still waiting to arrive), an Etsy brand called "BEAUTYLUSHCO", and lastly another Etsy brand called "CarinaDolci". Although I'll have to give a proper review of everything I've gotten from "Beauty From The Earth". Also I just picked up a brand new mouse from Razer the "Death Adder" and will have to write about that (so far I'm very pleased with it).
If I can come up with anything else I'll have it posted, posts will be light seeing how TERA will be coming out shortly and I will be playing that. Till then I hope I give you something to follow...