Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Metal Siren...

Ask yourself ....are you a fan of metal?, and no I don't mean like tin or aluminum. I'm talking about a guitar goddess melting your ears (in a good way mind you),drum solo's for days and bassists that can make you feel their sound in your core....Metal. Well if your interested in whom I speak of.... I speak of the "Sign of Sirin".

Now they may be new and still starting out, but the sound that is being produced is amazing.They are currently working on a demo, and I believe still looking for a vocalist to completely their band ( not screaming, but more of an operatic sound). To hear a bit more from the Guitar Siren/ Creator of the band head "here"; I believe if your a fan of metal you'll continue to enjoy what you hear. By the way if you didn't already know this is what you should be following go "here" again and then you'll know.


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