Friday, April 20, 2012

Sorry For the Delay!

I've been slacking off with my posts, but will try to get up to date with some of the things I've been checking out in the mean time. Some of the those items will be:

 "Kaichou wa Maid-sama!" (an anime), "Fairy Tail" (another anime). I've recently bought a few new brands of mineral eyeshadow and some that are pressed. Those brands are: "Shiro Cosmetics" (which I'm still waiting to arrive), an Etsy brand called "BEAUTYLUSHCO", and lastly another Etsy brand called "CarinaDolci". Although I'll have to give a proper review of everything I've gotten from "Beauty From The Earth". Also I just picked up a brand new mouse from Razer the "Death Adder" and will have to write about that (so far I'm very pleased with it).

If I can come up with anything else I'll have it posted, posts will be light seeing how TERA will be coming out shortly and I will be playing that. Till then I hope I give you something to follow...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is your dish on the "Chopping Block"?

If your a fan of cooking and or television of good quality then Chopped is a show for you. Currently on Tuesdays at 10pm pst; also the Chopped All-Stars is starting April 8th!,... so plenty of time to get caught up if you haven't seen any.

Chopped is a cooking show that has 3 judges which vary from episode to episode, one main host ( Ted Allen, who is awesome) and the 4 contestants. There are 3 rounds in which the contestants compete and at the end of each round the contestants are judged and one is sent on their way. The rounds consist of a "mystery basket" which has ingredients unbeknownst to the contestants. Also the rounds go in order of Appetizer, Entree, and Dessert. Lastly the winner of Chopped gets $10,000 to do with as they see fit.

This is just a fun show to watch on the sheer fact if you like cooking at all,... when you watch them open that mystery basket and then try to think of something yourself that they could make, then if they actually make the idea you had makes the show even better. I always try at the beginning of the episode to pick a contestant that I'm going to cheer for and hope they make it to the last round. Though there is typically a person that I'm not a fan of and I always ( and I know its bad , but it happens)end up cheering for them to make a mistake and fall behind.

All in all if you want to think of a way to be more creative in the kitchen or you just want something entertaining to watch Chopped is something you should be following.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


 Oh League how do I love thee and loathe thee at the same time.  Now I do think this is a really fun RTS style game ( Real Time Strategy) I have my moment's where I wish to pull out my hair when playing. Normally I do try to play this game with friends in the 5x5 matches, but I also play AI matches and do solo 5 matches. I haven't done any ranked matches since the new season.

The different types of matches consist of 3x3 ( 3 friend against another group of 3 people), 3x3 solo ( where instead of having friends with you, your alone), 5x5  ( can be a complete group of 5 friends or even just 2 competing against another group of varied amounts of friends equaling to 5; can also be within said groups of friends people who know none of the other people), 5x5 solo ( also again instead of having people with you that you'd know your alone). Then there are Ranked version's of all those above mentioned types of matches ( a Ranked match is a match where a score is retained or lost due to winning or losing your match, you play usually against people of like wise scores and the score is called your ELO), also there a few different things that apply to Ranked vs "Normal" matches. Ranked matches you can only have yourself soloing or with a full team.

Next there is something called "Dominion". Dominion was created more recently for players to experience a different form of gameplay, but still trying to retain the idea of pitting 5 players against 5 players. Although the goal of Dominion is a bit different than the "Normal" 5x5 matches, you can still earn somewhat of a score by killing other players in the match. Your main objective within the match is to capture the points and hold them for the duration of the match. You also start Dominion matches differently than "Normal" matches with getting to pick 3 abilities instead of 1 and you also start out with a larger amount of money comparatively.

Next there is AI matches, AI matches are against the different characters within the game, but controlled by Artificial Intelligence. Not to long ago they increased the intelligence of the "Bots" and now they've become a bit less predictable. Also with a wider array of characters it becomes more of an interesting game. I like "AI" matches because you get to try out different scenarios you might normally get to during a "Normal" and also you get to try new characters.

Finally there are Custom Matches, custom matches can be any of the above mentioned matches except for Ranked and a few differences from the "AI" match. The custom's are basically so you can either team up with groups of friends or completely random strangers and not have to follow the set guidelines for the "Normal" matches. For example you can take the basic layout of a 5x5 match and do something called an "ARAM" ( all random all middle) it has a different rule set than a "Normal" 5x5 match.

Well the loathe part just comes from the fact I get competitive when I play and sometimes that can become a small issue( I don't like to get snappy sometimes with the friends I play with,'s just I know we can do well and I know my friends can also play well so I want to win!). All in all though this is a fun game and its free so thus something you should be following.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I think I have "Chroma Lust"...

Do you like your colors vivid?, want some head turning double taking color? Then look no further than "Sugarpill". I've been checking out a few different make-up brands with colors that aren't just the boring "Neutral palette", and I came across Sugarpill from "Shana Logic" and other blogs.

 One of my first purchases was the "Burning Heart palette" and it was love at first sight. I loved wearing the yellow,orange and red together to make a fire/sunset look. Since then I've picked up the "Sweetheart palette" and one of loose eyeshadow in "Tiara". I haven't had a chance to use the Sweetheart palette yet since I'd picked up a few mineral shadows from "BFTE" not to long before I bought it. I have had the chance though to use Tiara and again I love love love it. I've used it to line my eyes, I used it alone and mixed it with other colors to give the color more of a boost. Now granted they may be a bit expensive, depending on if you wanted the whole palette which is $34.00 U.S. and their loose shadow is $12.00 U.S. .... but both are big. Also comparatively to another brand I was using before ( I do not wish to name, but their name is similar to "lawless citrus"), you get a smaller container from the other brand, it costs more for the loose shadows and so far the other brands prices continue to go up.

Also something I like about Sugarpill is that they have along with the loose shadow , pressed shadows!( another thing lacking by the above mentioned competitor). Some of the looks I've seen made from the pressed shadows are just gorgeous. I personally haven't had the chance yet to purchase one of the single pressed shadows, but I can't imagine that the single pressed are different from the whole palette pressed. They also carry False Eyelashes in a multitude of types also including the adhesive on their site as well. Finally on their extra's page the carry a few different sticker types, one being there name and the other a cute little kitten holding a pill. All in all if your looking for a quality product at a decent price then Sugarpill is something that you should be following.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Metal Siren...

Ask yourself ....are you a fan of metal?, and no I don't mean like tin or aluminum. I'm talking about a guitar goddess melting your ears (in a good way mind you),drum solo's for days and bassists that can make you feel their sound in your core....Metal. Well if your interested in whom I speak of.... I speak of the "Sign of Sirin".

Now they may be new and still starting out, but the sound that is being produced is amazing.They are currently working on a demo, and I believe still looking for a vocalist to completely their band ( not screaming, but more of an operatic sound). To hear a bit more from the Guitar Siren/ Creator of the band head "here"; I believe if your a fan of metal you'll continue to enjoy what you hear. By the way if you didn't already know this is what you should be following go "here" again and then you'll know.


Face Off Syfy...

 What an amazing program, very entertaining. In its second season (I missed the first and at some point I need to go back and find the episodes) and so far its one beautiful make-up after another; the skills these people have I am truly just in awe. Last night's episode was Burtonesque inspired designs. The designs I liked the most were created by Rayce (cellist with her humanoid cello), and RJ ( bellhop whom had become part of the furniture with drawers coming out of his chest). I am a little disappointed that Beki got eliminated, I felt that Sue's design was lacking a bit more, and some of her previous designs as well.

I also think that Ian needs to believe in what he can do more rather than doubt himself as much as he does. He does great work, but he takes so much time rethinking everything he comes up with that it hinders his time. Matt also does wonderful work, but he always comes across as not a main focus. Although after the past few episodes his work has been more noted by the judges.

Sadly though there are only a few episodes left so if you haven't had a chance to see this yet you should try to get caught up and then check it out next Wednesday. If you have any interest in make-up or Fantasy or even just want to see something cool... this is something that you should be following.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What to look forward to...

Alright, so even if no one reads this I suppose I'd still like to give this whole blog thing a try. I'm going to post about thing's that interest me from many of the different subject material's I am interested in. Also I'm going to try to post a little something everyday if I can and more on the days I do not work.

So today we're going to talk about an up coming  MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game for those of you that might not have known) called Tera. Granted Tera already has been released in South Korea (I believe January 2011); now it is  coming to the United States and Europe. For me personally it has a look similar to Final Fantasy 14 ( I played Final Fantasy 11 for a long time and was looking forward to FF14, but to be honest when it first came out (FF14 that is) it was terrible), but Tera is a much more put together game. So far I've tried a few of the classes : Archer (self explanatory), Mystic (healing, but not main heals; Magical damage and also some Buffs to aid the Group), Priest ( Main healing, some Magical damage and bigger group buffs and also some teleporting at higher levels), and lastly Sorcerer ( Main magical damage and debuffs for monsters).

I really liked the damage that came from archer and also the fact that you didn't really take much of any damage from monsters. At lower levels it seems you can be pretty self sufficient; not really needing to almost even use the potions that are given to you at lower levels. Mystic and Priest also did a reasonable amount of damage and since they have a heal and you get a mana point return buff you've got little to be worried over. Sorcerer was the only class that I've played so far that has taken damage; now mind you I'm not saying that it takes overwhelming amounts, but it does take some. I've yet to do any dungeons since I've been hopping around on different characters a lot, but this weekend is beta weekend again.

Next other than classes we've got the different races. The races I've played thus far are Castanic(which is a humanoid demonic race, they have horns and some tattoo like designs on their bodies) and also the Elin (a race of humanoid animal women, they may be small in stature, but don't let their appearance deceive you their age is beyond normal human years). Other races include Human ( kind of boring if you're playing for the fantasy aspect), Aman ( humanoid giant lizard type people...they look neat; I may create a female, but they are the more masculine of the female races), Baraka ( rock like giant male only creatures), High elves ( because no game is complete without elves haha) and lastly Popori ( the male version of the Elin; they are more on the animal side rather than the human side... though they are also super cute).

Well this is just a little look into Tera check more out "AT" and again this is something you should be following.
                                                             Bye for now!